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My close friend and brilliant nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios is one my most trusted colleagues when it comes to nutrition advice.
I even spent a full week visiting Isabel at her lake house recently and even with all of the books I read constantly about nutrition, I always learn something new when spending time with Isabel and talking to her about food and nutrition.
Below, Isabel is going to show you a brand-new protocol that she developed that frequently causes people to drop some serious body fat in as little as 3 weeks. Yes, it's an aggressive fat loss protocol, but it's PROVEN to work with Isabel's clients, both men and women...and it only takes 3 weeks of focused effort on your part!
This is NOT for lazy people, so I have a feeling this IS for you since you're not lazy...
Drop 21 pounds in 21 days - how do you do this realistically?
Isabel here... If I told you I was holding in my hand a magic fat loss solution that was going to instantly start melting fat off your body, would you take it? Or would you be mad at me for not telling you about it sooner? Haha
I'm kidding...well only kind of kidding.
I'm going to show you a method that may not exactly be in the form of a pill, but I'm still ok calling it a magic solution for you (and please don't be mad at me for not giving you this sooner).
What I have learned over time about people is that once they make the decision to lose weight, they want to start seeing results immediately…and I mean immediately...like a pound each day or every few days.
The very positive thing about this is people who start to see dramatic changes in their body instantly are more likely to stick to their healthy eating program for longer periods of time.
Because results are motivating and once you see how great your body starts to look, you want to keep going!
So, if you were able to lose 30 lbs in 30 days, would that be motivating? Would that make you want to keep going??? I'm just going to assume I hear a YES coming through this email.
Ok, here's another important fact...
There are strategies you can use to shed fat off your body FAST. I'm not talking about anything dangerous or detrimental to your health and your body. I'm talking about simple, easy to use principles that will get your metabolism cranking in an accelerated way...yes, within days.
About 6 months ago, I really started thinking about these 2 simple truths...
#1 People want to see instant results
#2 I know some great "safe" accelerated fat burning methods that can be used in order to shed fat fast
And I would even add to it...
#3 People don't have time for a lot of thinking, calculating and guessing or whether or not something is going to work.
So I asked myself...
What could I give you that would help you to start seeing a dramatic difference in your body immediately? What could I give you that was "safe" yet incredibly effective at showing you the results you were after? What could I give you that did not require a ton of thinking and work?
I could give you...
- Completely done for you meal plans that already put together these safe accelerated fat burning methods I have used successfully in the past...the right food combinations, the right ingredients, in the right portion sizes.
- Shopping lists and recipes that go along with those meal plans so there is no confusion when its time to shop for or make your next meal.
- An exercise program that is simple, yet effective and is guaranteed to reshape your body in all the right places.
- Detailed video explanations of exercise so you know exactly how best to follow the program.
- A brand new audio coaching series that will help you clearly outline your goals and stick to them.
For the past 6 months I have been hard at work and am proud to announce my latest program
Beyond Diet Edge
This program will give you an "EDGE" over anything else you have tried in the past.
As I was creating it, I asked myself
"How can all my readers lose fat in a record amount of time by only using safe, simple to follow that could realistically fit into their busy lives?"
The answer: BD Edge
I am so incredibly proud of this program because I know this is what many of my readers have been looking for for so long.
BD Edge will help get your body jump started to see almost instant results (Yes, possibly even 1 pound per day for some)
BD Edge will take any and all guesswork out of choosing your next meal (I am telling you exactly what to eat every day)
BD Edge will give you a simple and effective exercise program to follow... and you don't even have to exercise every single day.
Right NOW, as a special January Introductory offer, I am slashing the price of BD Edge dramatically and offering it at $30 off its original price. Just use the promo code BDE30. When you click on the link below you can see I have already applied the promo code automatically.
Start losing 21 lbs in 21 days right NOW (get started on the advanced fat loss protocol)
Treat yourself to the best gift you can give yourself in 2013...loving how you look and feel in less than a month.
Yes 21 lbs. in 21 days is realistic and possible → Go Here To Start Now
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