Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Do NOT eat these "healthy" cookies (beware)

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to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

If you try to find a "healthy" cookie, even at a health food store, it's nearly impossible!

For example, most "gluten free" cookies that I see at health food stores are still LOADED with sugar, rice syrup or agave syrup, have almost ZERO fiber, and just simply replace wheat flour with rice flour or another high glycemic flour that instantly digests into sugar in your body, spiking your insulin and triggering extra body fat to be deposited.

Another example is "low-fat" cookies that I often see, which simply replace some of the fats with extra sugars and other carbohydrates, giving you an even WORSE mess for your blood sugar and hormones than if you just simply ate a full-fat cookie.

The other horrendous example is that I've seen a few brands that tried to create high-protein cookies but use estrogenic and genetically-modified soy protein as the main protein source... NO THANKS!

But there's not one single cookie I've found on the market that is truly high-fiber, high-protein, gluten-free, soy-free, low-carb, and also rich in healthy fats for steady controlled energy without spiking your blood sugar levels. 

Until TODAY!

That's right... my good friends at Biotrust Nutrition have invented the first truly healthy cookie that's also seriously delicious!

I was even personally involved in working with Biotrust on the ideas for developing a healthy cookie that tastes great, and I know you're going to love this...

Introducing the brand-new soft and chewy Biotrust Frosted Oatmeal Raisin Protein Cookies!

12 Grams of Time-Released Protein... and 6 grams of craving-crushing fiber per cookie!  This means more controlled blood-sugar levels and balanced hormones compared to eating a regular cookie.

Yes, each cookie contains 12 grams of the highest quality fast and slow acting protein, including Micellar Casein, the Rolls Royce of protein supplements.  That means you'll get as much protein in 1 Biotrust cookie as you get in 2 hard boiled eggs... Very cool!

Furthermore, the protein in BioTrust Protein Cookies is sourced from cows not treated with the dangerous growth hormone rBGH, and rBST. Like you, we want to avoid putting synthetic, unnatural hormones into our bodies whenever possible.  Biotrust protein cookies are certified hormone and antibiotic free! 

But we didn't stop there…

BioTrust Protein Cookies are 100% All-Natural and contain 6 grams of blood-sugar stabilizing fiber per cookie!

That means you won't find any trans fats, artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners in these scrumptious cookies… NONE.  Instead, these cookies are sweetened naturally with a new stevia extract and a naturally sweet form of fiber call inulin—providing 6 whopping grams of fiber per cookie.

What's more: all of our cookies are non-GMO sourced and contain ZERO wheat, soy, trans fats or gluten.  That's right, a delicious and healthy gluten-free cookie, that's NOT loaded with sugar like most cookies, even so-called "healthy gluten-free" varieties that are typically a blood sugar disaster waiting to happen.

But what's truly awesome is that even though BioTrust Protein Cookies™ are extremely nutritious…

They Taste So Delicious You'll Look Forward To Them Just Like Mom's Oven-Fresh Cookies!

That's right, the premium nutrition found in BioTrust Protein Cookies™ doesn't sacrifice taste one bit!  You see, BioTrust Protein Cookies™ taste exactly like a cookie should.  In fact, you might mistake these moist and chewy cookies for the same warm, fresh-baked favorites your mother used to pull out of the kitchen oven. (Remember how good the house smelled when mom baked cookies?)

But don't take my word for it …

Stock up today during this pre-release sale, and prove it to yourself… You Either LOVE These Healthy Cookies or They're FREE!

Simply put, Biotrust stands behind these great-tasting protein cookies with an industry-leading One-Year 100% Money-Back Guarantee.  If you don't agree that these are the best-tasting, healthiest cookies on the planet… you get your money back…all of it!

So what's the price for a box of such high quality, premium cookies that actually taste as great as their nutrition profile?

Great question!

Each 12-count box of these delicious GIANT Frosted Oatmeal Raisin protein cookies retails at $29.95, but to celebrate the release of these amazingly healthy, all-natural and outrageously tasty cookies Biotrust has agreed to make them available via a private Buy 3, Get 1 Free sale!

NOTE: You can NOT get these cookies via the regular website yet and won't be able to for some time. They are also NOT available in stores. The ONLY way you can get your hands on them now is via this exclusive email and this private, special Buy 3, Get 1 FREE sale.

To secure your taste-test of the exclusive Buy 3, Get 1 FREE sale and be the first to try and LOVE these brand new, insanely deliciously high-protein, high-fiber cookies, just go to the page below right now to be taken to Biotrust's ultra-secure 256-bit shopping cart and your entire family will be enjoying these soft, chewy, moist and delicious all-natural flab-fighting cookies in no time!

==> BioTrust Giant Frosted Oatmeal Raisin High-Protein Cookies (Buy 3, Get 1 FREE)

And remember, you are 100% protected with the BioTrust industry-leading 1 Year Satisfaction Guarantee, so there's nothing to lose apart from the unwanted body fat that unhealthy snacks are continuing to add to your waistline.

Try these delicous high-fiber, high-protein giant cookies... and enjoy one of the best flat-belly snacks you can choose!

PS -- more flavors of these healthy giant cookies are coming in a few months.  But definitely try these giant frosted oatmeal raisin cookies right now while they're available!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

*Please note that due to high volume of emails, replies to this email can not be handled individually and are routed to a help-desk.

Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Is agave terrible for you? | Arsenic in your rice?

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to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

In recent years, agave nectar (agave syrup) has been promoted as a healthy alternative to other sweeteners.  However, my well respected colleague Dr Walsh shows you in this quick 2-min video below why agave is NOT a healthy choice for sweetener and what is:

Is agave terrible for you?

Other important health stories:

Are you eating arsenic in your rice?

13 of my favorite flat-belly snacks

The 3 types of "detox cleanses" to AVOID

PS -- if you liked today's articles, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

*Please note that due to high volume of emails, replies to this email can not be handled individually and are routed to a help-desk.

Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Monday, 28 January 2013

NEVER eat this "type" of veggies

You are receiving this newsletter because you have subscribed
to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

I've warned about this type of nasty chemical that can be lurking in your foods before, and this article explains more:

The type of veggies that you NEVER want to eat

And on a similar topic, make sure to read this article of mine as well:

Do canned tomatoes have a chemical that increases your ab fat?

If you liked todays articles, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer | |

*Please note that due to high volume of emails, replies to this email can not be handled individually and are routed to a help-desk.

Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Friday, 25 January 2013

My day of skiing with Tony Horton of p90x fame (and nutrition)

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a subscriber
to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

I just had the pleasure this week of meeting and doing a full day of Cat skiing with Tony Horton, the fitness celebrity famous for the high-intensity P90X workout DVDs that you probably see a couple times a week when flipping through channels on your TV. 

First off, Tony is a great guy, and as you'd expect, he's a fitness machine, even at the age of 54, which is awesome!  He's a great example for everybody that age doesn't matter in terms of staying in phenomenal shape.  I'm sure Tony will still be ripping up the slopes when he's 74 too!

While we were riding the Snow Cat back up the slopes to do more runs, Tony and I were chatting about fitness and nutrition...

It turns out that we have a LOT of similar beliefs about nutrition... such as eating mostly 1-ingredient whole foods, organic when possible, limiting refined foods, etc, etc.  But there was one aspect that we didn't necessarily see eye to eye.  Tony isn't quite convinced and hasn't jumped on the Paleolithic nutrition bandwagon yet.

Basically, he just isn't convinced that whole grains can possibly be bad for you in any way.  My thought on this is that not all grains are necessarily bad for you, but some are a LOT worse than others... this is where I see "paleo" nutrition in a slightly different light than some very strict Paleo authors that advise to 100% eliminate ALL grains.  I don't see it that way.

A couple things that I keep in mind in terms of deciding on the healthiest paleolithic nutrition plan:

1.  For people that are extremely active such as long distance bikers, runners, and athletes that do intense activity for several hours per day, the extra calories from starch that grains give can be useful. The extra calories and carbs from grains can also be useful to those looking to build muscle mass. 

However, there's no reason at all that these types of people can't fuel their carb needs with potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit, squash, quinoa, and other non-grain carb sources, and still get the calories and carbs they need without getting all of the gluten and other anti-nutrients that are in many popular grains.

2.  Some grains are worse than others.  For example, rice and oats still have antinutrients, but have a lot less antinutrients than wheat does.  Rice and oats also don't contain gluten (unless they contain traces from processing machines that also processed wheat or barley), and as you know, chronic gluten intake can irritate the gut and cause inflammation in a large majority of us, even if we're not Celiac.

This means that rice and oats are more "neutral" than wheat is, and if you're extremely active and burn boatloads of calories with hours of exercise each day, then rice and oats can be a reasonable source of calories, although still not necessarily the "best" source per se.

However, if you're an average person that exercises a couple days a week, and not daily for hours a day, there's really no need for the extra calories and carbs that even "neutral" grains provide. 

3.  It's important to know that grains are NOT "essential" to the human diet in any way.  After all, before agriculture started approx 10,000 years ago, grains were just a very tiny % of the human diet, dating back at least 2 Million years.  Currently, it's estimated that the average modern day person obtains 67% of their total calories come from only 3 foods -- wheat, corn, and soy and their derivatives. 

However, ancient paleolithic humans most likely only consumed about 1 or 2% of their total calories from wild grains that they could have gathered.  Mass produced grains to make bread and pasta simply didn't exist.

This means that for 99% of human existence, humans only ate grains in a very tiny fraction of their total calories, and for the last 1% of human existence, we now eat 67% of our total calories from wheat, corn, and soy alone (although technically, soy is not a's a legume, but has it's own health issues as well).

Ancient paleolithic humans were very active hunting and gathering each day (and probably fighting off predators too in most locations!), yet somehow us humans managed to "fuel our bodies" for almost 2 Million years without the need for large amounts of grains like modern day athletes resort to as the go-to carb source.

Although I'm not personally a competing athlete in anything, I'm a very active skier, mountain biker, hiker, and weight lifter.  But I don't fuel my body on grains, and I don't necessarily fuel my body on primarily carbohydrates either. 

I tend to prefer to fuel my body primarily from healthy fats like avocados, nuts, egg yolks, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter and cream.  But I still also fuel my body with small to moderate amounts of carbs each day from eating loads of veggies, raw honey in my morning or afternoon tea, maybe a few potatoes or sweet potatoes each week, squash, and one or two pieces of fruit a day.  This type of plan replicates the ancient paleolithic hunter-gatherer diet much more closely than these modern plans loaded with grains at every meal.

I'm sure we'll talk more about this topic in upcoming newsletters, but let's look at the big picture here...

The way I see it is that you can probably find a lot of examples of people you know that eat a lot of grains and yet remain lean, and seemingly healthy.  This doesn't mean that gluten and other antinutrients aren't causing at least some form of moderate internal inflammation, blood sugar problems, or minor digestive problems though in some of these grain-eaters.

I personally don't avoid grains altogether, but I would say that I only eat grains about 1 day per week, and I try to get variety when I do instead of only one type of grain, so that I'm not always consuming the same types of antinutrients which might affect specific minerals from being absorbed in the body. 

With all of this said, I think the nutrition community is starting to become more acutely aware of the problems of eating too much grains, specifically modern-day hybridized wheat and GM corn (which is 90% of the corn products in the store).  The articles below will help you explore some of the problems that scientists are finding with too much wheat and corn intake:

11 Ways that "whole wheat" can harm your body (including joint problems, skin problems, visceral fat, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and more)

These 4 common foods accelerate aging (avoid these to fight aging)

How my dad reduced his wheat intake and his chronic joint pain immediately stopped (and his "love handles" he's had his entire adult life disappeared too)

Shocking blood sugar test results from eating "whole wheat"  (can wheat be worse than pure sugar?)

Do bread and cereal CAUSE heart disease?  (effects on LDL particle size)

PS -- if you liked today's articles, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

#1 worst food for weight gain?

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

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Does this common substance make you fat?

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to the Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.
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Hey there, it's Mike Geary here with your latest Lean-Body Secrets Ezine.

Today, I wanted to talk about artificial sweeteners today because I've noticed that there's a lot of confusion and misconceptions revolving around these non-caloric sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners and the huge list of products sweetened with them are marketed to you relentlessly as "healthy foods" or "healthier" than sugar or corn syrup sweetened products. But are they really?

Read today's article below:

Do artificial sweeteners make you fat?

PS - if you liked todays article, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer | |

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

These 2 foods are making you sick and overweight? (surprising article)

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to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

We're not talking about obvious harmful foods that you already know about, such as trans fats or HFCS in today's article.  Instead, let's take a look at 2 foods that most people don't realize might be making them sick, and how to test for this:

Are these 2 foods making you sick and overweight?

On this topic, have you seen this:

#1 worst food for weight gain?

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

PS -- if you liked today's article, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

*Please note that due to high volume of emails, replies to this email can not be handled individually and are routed to a help-desk.

Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Shed 21 pounds in 21 days - how do you do this realistically?

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to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

My close friend and brilliant nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios is one my most trusted colleagues when it comes to nutrition advice.

I even spent a full week visiting Isabel at her lake house recently and even with all of the books I read constantly about nutrition, I always learn something new when spending time with Isabel and talking to her about food and nutrition.

Below, Isabel is going to show you a brand-new protocol that she developed that frequently causes people to drop some serious body fat in as little as 3 weeks.  Yes, it's an aggressive fat loss protocol, but it's PROVEN to work with Isabel's clients, both men and women...and it only takes 3 weeks of focused effort on your part! 

This is NOT for lazy people, so I have a feeling this IS for you since you're not lazy...

Drop 21 pounds in 21 days - how do you do this realistically?

Isabel here... If I told you I was holding in my hand a magic fat loss solution that was going to instantly start melting fat off your body, would you take it?  Or would you be mad at me for not telling you about it sooner?  Haha

I'm kidding...well only kind of kidding.

I'm going to show you a method that may not exactly be in the form of a pill, but I'm still ok calling it a magic solution for you (and please don't be mad at me for not giving you this sooner).

What I have learned over time about people is that once they make the decision to lose weight, they want to start seeing results immediately…and I mean a pound each day or every few days.

The very positive thing about this is  people who start to see dramatic changes in their body instantly are more likely to stick to their healthy eating program for longer periods of time.  


Because results are motivating and once you see how great your body starts to look, you want to keep going!

So, if you were able to lose 30 lbs in 30 days, would that be motivating?  Would that make you want to keep going???  I'm just going to assume I hear a YES coming through this email.

Ok, here's another important fact...

There are strategies you can use to shed fat off your body FAST. I'm not talking about anything dangerous or detrimental to your health and your body. I'm talking about simple, easy to use principles that will get your metabolism cranking in an accelerated way...yes, within days.

About 6 months ago, I really started thinking about these 2 simple truths...

#1 People want to see instant results

#2 I know some great "safe" accelerated fat burning methods that can be used in order to shed fat fast

And I would even add to it...

#3 People don't have time for a lot of thinking, calculating and guessing or whether or not something is going to work.

So I asked myself...

What could I give you that would help you to start seeing a dramatic difference in your body immediately?  What could I give you that was "safe" yet incredibly effective at showing you the results you were after?  What could I give you that did not require a ton of thinking and work?

I could give you...

  • Completely done for you meal plans that already put together these safe accelerated fat burning methods I have used successfully in the past...the right food combinations, the right ingredients, in the right portion sizes.
  • Shopping lists and recipes that go along with those meal plans so there is no confusion when its time to shop for or make your next meal.
  • An exercise program that is simple, yet effective and is guaranteed to reshape your body in all the right places.
  • Detailed video explanations of exercise so you know exactly how best to follow the program.
  • A brand new audio coaching series that will help you clearly outline your goals and stick to them.

For the past 6 months I have been hard at work and am proud to announce my latest program

Beyond Diet Edge

This program will give you an "EDGE" over anything else you have tried in the past.  

As I was creating it, I asked myself

"How can all my readers lose fat in a record amount of time by only using safe, simple to follow that could realistically fit into their busy lives?"

The answer:  BD Edge

I am so incredibly proud of this program because I know this is what many of my readers have been looking for for so long.

BD Edge will help get your body jump started to see almost instant results (Yes, possibly even 1 pound per day for some)

BD Edge will take any and all guesswork out of choosing your next meal (I am telling you exactly what to eat every day)

BD Edge will give you a simple and effective exercise program to follow... and you don't even have to exercise every single day.

Right NOW, as a special January Introductory offer, I am slashing the price of BD Edge dramatically and offering it at $30 off its original price.  Just use the promo code BDE30. When you click on the link below you can see I have already applied the promo code automatically.

Start losing 21 lbs in 21 days right NOW  (get started on the advanced fat loss protocol)

Treat yourself to the best gift you can give yourself in 2013...loving how you look and feel in less than a month.

Yes 21 lbs. in 21 days is realistic and possible → Go Here To Start Now

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

potatoes - friend or foe for a lean-body? (the truth)

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to the Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.
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I'd like to start a little discussion today about carbohydrates... and in particular, potatoes. One reason I wanted to mention this is because so many health and fitness professionals trash talk potatoes about being a bad carbohydrate choice because of the high glycemic index. Some even say such ridiculous things as "avoid any and all white carbohydrates".

But today's article will show you the TRUTH about potatoes, glycemic index, and 5 "white foods" that are actually superfoods.

Have a great week, and I'll be back in touch soon.

Stay lean,

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer | |

PS - if you liked todays article, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

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Yep, your email provider most likely false filters some or all of these emails and you won't get them all, even though you asked to receive them. Makes you mad right?

Well, there's an easy solution. Go to this page for the easy instructions to make sure you keep getting these newsletters that you asked to receive...

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

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Who just won a trip to Maui? (Burn the Fat challenge winners announced)


Brought to you by Tom Venuto & Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle
Hi Readers,
Who won the Holiday 2012 Burn the Fat Challenge?
Who is going to Maui? Who is this woman? Is this real?
How could this possibly have been achieved in only 49 days?
Yes! It's real. And yes, in just 49 days - over the holidays no less -
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. (She's a mom of 5 too!)
In only 49 days, we saw this newly crowned champion and hundreds
of other men and women of every age and occupation transform their
bodies during the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Challenge... 7th season
The flash report is now posted at the Burn the Fat Inner Circle on
the home page here:
Full contest coverage will continue all week long, including photos,
interviews with the champions, and also the winners of all the special
award categories (most ripped, etc)
Not a member yet?  Join us!  
Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto,
Author of the ebook, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle
Founder & CEO, Burn the Fat Inner Circle

PS. Contest results will be posted on the Inner Circle website home page all week long,
so be sure you bookmark it and check back often.   In case that contest results link above
didn't work, Just visit the Inner Circle home page to see the flash report of contest results.

Welcome to Burn The Fat Tips newsletter!

BURN THE FAT - Fat Burning Tips Newsletter
Brought to you by Tom Venuto &


Welcome! You've been confirmed and officially
added to our newsletter subscriber list of fitness

More than a quarter million people get this e-mail
newsletter every week and we have tens of thousands of
fans on the "Tom Venuto" facebook page, where you can
actually chat with me and see that, yes I AM a real
person over here in New Jersey! (I'm in the NYC area).

This newsletter, Burn the Fat dot com's "Fat burning tips"
is broadcast approximately once or twice a week (although
every once in a while I admit, I get lazy or take a vacation
so I occasionally might miss a week (I'm "human!")

Also, if I make any posts on the Burn the Fat blog that
I think you'll be interested in, I'll let you know about
those too.

As I mentioned on the website home page,
there are 3 crucial steps for getting your body "unstuck"
and starting to make steady progress toward your body
transformation goals.

It involves avoiding starvation diets, understanding your
body type and eating the right fat-burning foods.

This is "Burn the Fat 101" and it's the best place for you
to get started:

We'll begin with why you must STOP DIETING!

Starvation and crash diets could be killing your metabolism
cannibalizing your muscle and just making you flat out hungry,
which makes falling off the wagon almost inevitable

Learn more about "feeding the muscle" instead of "starving"
yourself in this first fat burning lesson - it sets the stage
for all the others:

Fat Loss Lesson #1:

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto, Fat Loss Coach,
Author of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle,

P.S. At any time in the future if you ever need to change your email
address, there is a "change address" or easy 1-clik "unsubscribe"
link at the very bottom of EVERY email.

P.P.S. BE SOCIAL! Join tens of thousands of like-minded people
at our Burn the Fat group on facebook and get a complimentary
body transformation report on the "welcome" page

Sunday, 20 January 2013

This sweetener destroys your gut (most don't know this)

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a subscriber
to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

My good friends and nutritionists, Joel and Josh have an important article below for you about the DAMAGE that this artificial sweetener does to your gut:

This sweetener destroys your gut

Splenda, also known as sucralose, is an artificial, chemical sweetener.

Despite advertisements stating "Made from Sugar, so it Tastes like Sugar", which attempt to confuse consumers, Splenda is not natural and contains no elements of natural sugar. 

You may also be surprised to learn that Splenda contains chlorine.  Yes, the same chlorine that goes in swimming pools.  And here's the worst side effect:

Just like chlorine kills off micro-organisms in swimming pools, Splenda and sucralose kill off healthy bacteria that lives in your gut -- healthy bacteria that is vitally important to virtually every aspect of your health.

Recently, a study at the University of Duke confirmed this very finding.  Not only is sucralose a heavily-processed, chemical artificial sweetener, but it's also damaging to your gut health, which goes on to affect every other aspect of your health.

Here's a direct quote from that study:

"Splenda suppresses beneficial bacteria and directly affects the expression of the transporter P-gp and cytochrome P-450 isozymes that are known to interfere with the bioavailability of nutrients. Furthermore, these effects occur at Splenda doses that contain sucralose levels that are approved by the FDA for use in the food supply."

Did you know that over 80% of your immune system finds it's home in your gut?  In fact, there are more than 100 TRILLION living bacteria in your gut that control many aspects of your health, and due to things like the ingestion of artificial sweeteners like Splenda, most folks have created a massive bacterial imbalance in their body.

But, it doesn't just stop with the use of Splenda or other artificial sweeteners.  Here are some other common items that are contributing to the bacterial imbalances that BILLIONS of folks are silently suffering from all around the world:

*Diet beverages and food items (remember, sucralose is added to MANY foods, beverages, and supplements as a sweetener beyond just those little yellow packets that you may use in your coffee)
*Alcohol consumption
*Processed, packaged foods 
*Certain brands of mouth wash, chewing gum, dishwasher detergent, and toothpaste
*Non-organic fruits and vegetables
*Non-organic meats
*Non-organic dairy products 

If you are in contact with any of these items, it could be contributing to a serious imbalance in your gut bacteria and an overall decline in your health.

What's more, if you suffer from irregular bowel movements, constipation, gas, bloating, acid reflux, indigestion, skin problems, overall sickness, bad breath, fatigue, urinary tract infections, sugar cravings, and/or an inability to lose weight, these symptoms are a near telltale sign that your gut bacteria is ALREADY severely imbalanced and has literally become a ticking time bomb.

But even worse, here are some of the more serious consequences that can result from gut imbalances left unaddressed:

*Severe irritable bowel syndrome and extreme daily discomfort
*Serious skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis
*A constant battle with ongoing fatigue and low energy levels
*A life full of chronic sickness and pain due to a declining immune system
*Cirrhosis and cancer of the liver
*Metabolic syndrome

Fortunately, you can correct imbalances in bad bacteria by supplementing with "good" bacteria known as probiotics.  In fact, research is now suggesting that supplementing with a quality probiotic supplement every single day just may be even more important for your health and longevity than taking a daily multivitamin...the problem is finding a quality product that overcomes the pitfalls of most probiotic supplements.

You may not know this, but more than 93% of the probiotics found in traditional probiotic products will be dead by the time they reach your gut (the "final destination" that they must reach alive and well in order to provide you with their beneficial properties).

Because probiotics are living organisms, they are also very fragile and sensitive to light, heat, and the extremely acidic environment of your stomach, leaving you with very little live probiotics to benefit from once they reach their home in your intestinal track.

To combat this massive problem, at BioTrust nutrition we developed an extremely unique micro-encapsulated probiotic product called Pro-X10 that protects each probiotic cell through a wide range of environments to ensure that you get what you pay for - live, active probiotic cells that can make all the difference in your health.

But, it gets even better. Also included is Actazin, an extract of the New Zealand Kiwifruit and one of the most powerful probiotic support nutrients of all time. Actazin supports the natural growth of "good" bacteria in your gut, helps keep your bowel movements regular, and assists in maintaining long-term digestive health including the restoration of damaged intestinal lining. 

Beyond that, we've included a number of unique probiotic strains in Pro-X10 that provide additional benefits like oral health, constipation relief, and immune defense, easily making Pro-X10 the #1 probiotic on the market.

And even better, when you decide to invest in Pro-X10 today, we're going to give you a special "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" deal along with a free copy of the ultra-successful 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet.

Just be sure to grabs yours today:

==> HEAL your gut + get a free copy of The 7-Day RapidFatLossDiet    

We truly believe that supplementing with probiotics is one of the most important things that anyone can do for their health. The benefits are many, and they couldn't be easier to use. 

Learn more about how micro-encapsulated Pro-X10 can help you at the below link, and get our Buy 2, Get 1 FREE special and a free copy of the 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet when you order today:

==> Buy 2, Get 1 FREE + a free copy of The 7-Day RapidFatLossDiet

To your health,

Josh & Joel
Co-Founders, BioTrust Nutrition


If you want to read more about the benefits of probiotics to your body, which I consider the MOST important aspect of your digestive system and your immune system, read more at these 2 articles below:

The #1 most important thing for your gut health

7 foods that HEAL your digestive system

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

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Saturday, 19 January 2013

2 foods I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole

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Two articles below that I wanted to make sure you didn't miss... and I wouldn't touch EITHER of these foods with a ten foot pole after all of the research I've done with just how bad they are for you:

1.  This common additive to your foods is worse for you than originally thought

2.  Are you eating this food that even mold and bacteria refuses to eat?

And another article that you should make sure to read...about a problem with our modern supply of fruits and veggies at your grocery store:

A major problem with our modern fruits and veggies?

And if you want some more killer content, in particular, a food that I NEVER eat, check this out:

This common "healthy" food actually can increase abdominal fat

PS - if you liked todays articles, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer | |


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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Is a Vegan diet unhealthy? | healthy PB cups | eliminate this food

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a subscriber
to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

Today's article is a fascinating look at a former popular vegan blogger and her journey through veganism and how it was destroying her health.  It details all of her thoughts, emotions, confusion, her defiance against doctors orders to at least include small amounts of animal foods, and lots more... including death threats from other die-hard vegans for "speaking out against veganism".   This is a VERY profound and interesting read:

Did veganism destroy her health?  

A few more articles that I think you'll like:

Is saturated fat actually good for you?

The 1 food he eliminated to completely eliminate his joint pain and love handles

5-minute healthy peanut butter cups (natural, low sugar, healthy fats)

By the way, did you try our brand-new 82 Anti-Aging Fat-Burning Superfood Recipes yet?  You will LOVE them!

PS -- if you liked today's articles, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

*Please note that due to high volume of emails, replies to this email can not be handled individually and are routed to a help-desk.

Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

The 5 WORST foods that cause pain (avoid & protect your joints)

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a subscriber
to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

When you think of what to eat for dinner, you probably don't take your aching joints or throbbing back into account. But you should.

The food you eat can play a major role in how you feel – and that includes your physical aches and pains.

We're not talking about foods like beans that might make you uncomfortably gassy... What we're talking about here is pain from chronic inflammation – the kind linked to arthritis, other joint problems, muscle pain and more.

Certain foods are highly inflammatory, which makes sense because inflammation is part of your body's immune response – and 70 percent of your immune system cells are in your gut.

While inflammation is beneficial in the short term (it helps your wounds and infections heal), when inflammation becomes chronic – as it can when you eat pro-inflammatory foods – it contributes to disease and exacerbates pain.

That being said, following are some of the worst foods for pain, which should be strategically avoided if you want to minimize your level of pain.

The 5 Worst Pain-Causing Foods

#5. Sweets

This one is probably obvious by now as you know how bad sugar is for you.  Cookies, candy, ice cream, brownies, doughnuts … all of these are loaded with sugar, which drives up your blood sugar and insulin, along with levels of inflammatory messengers called cytokines.

#4. Bagels, Muffins, Breads, and Pasta

Any member of the refined carbohydrate family – white bread, muffins, pasta, bagels, etc. – drives up inflammation due to the same reasons as sugar. In fact, there's not much difference between refined carbs like a bagel or muffin, and a heaping serving of sugar, as far as your body is concerned.  In addition, almost all of these foods are wheat-based, which has another reason it can cause inflammation -- due to gluten and other anti-nutrients found in wheat that cause internal inflammation in your body.

#3. French Fries

These make the list because they're a common source of synthetic trans fats, which come from foods that contain partially hydrogenated oil. Trans fats are strongly linked to systemic, chronic inflammation … and are so bad for you that the Institute of Medicine recommends you simply keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible or avoid fully.

French fries are by no means the only culprit; trans fats are also commonly found in savory snacks (like microwave popcorn), frozen pizzas, cake, cookies, pie, margarines and spreads, ready-to-use frosting, and coffee creamers.

#2. Blackened, Charred or Barbecued Foods

Any time a food is cooked at high temperature without water and browned (this includes foods that are broiled, fried, grilled, blackened, barbecued, etc.), toxic advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are formed. These are different than endogenous AGEs formed from eating too much grains and sugar that keeps your blood sugar elevated.  Instead, AGEs from browned or charred foods are called exogenous AGEs, and are readily absorbed by your body, where they wreak havoc, causing internal inflammation.

While grilling, frying and broiling your food is known to increases AGEs, other cooking methods that use water such as stewing, boiling, braising, crock pot or steaming will instead help minimize the amount of exogenous AGEs (and HCAs) formed in your food.  I know it's not realistic for most people to eliminate grilled foods fully, so we'll show you below some herbs that help to counteract the toxic effects of grilled or charred foods.

#1. Vegetable Oils (Polyunsaturated)

Soybean oil, corn oil, canola, safflower and sunflower oils are examples of vegetable oils that are rich in omega-6 fats, which most Americans consume far too much of (pick up any processed food from the grocery store and you'll probably see soybean oil or corn oil on the label). Excess refined omega-6 fats are highly inflammatory, which is why it's important to limit the amount of vegetable oils you consume.  Olive oil, coconut oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, and grass-fed butter are all healthier choices.

Herbs and nutrients that FIGHT inflammation and HALT pain:

Certain foods, herbs and teas are naturally anti-inflammatory and help to eliminate pain in your body.  But there are some natural substances that you might not ordinarily eat, but which are among the most powerful on the planet for stopping inflammation – and related pain – in its tracks.

For instance... Turmeric, Devil's Claw, Boswellia Extract, Bromelain … each of these is powerful in its own right, but when they're combined together, and added to even more anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ingredients like proteolytic enzymes (these work throughout your entire body to help it fight inflammation, dissolve scar tissue and more), the result is VERY powerful.

You can see 12 natural ingredients that STOP pain and fight inflammation here

These 12 anti-inflammatory ingredients are some of the most powerful, safest, and most effective pain relievers in the world – and they're a must if you're currently suffering with pain (and especially if you eat any of the highly inflammatory foods mentioned above!).

I'd highly suggest trying this powerful combination of enzymes, spices, and herbs to control inflammation:

Eliminate pain with these 12 herbs, spices, and enzymes

PS -- if you liked today's article, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

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Your 6-pack abs fat-loss bonuses from Mike G.

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Now, onto some tips for lean flat abs...

Recently, I was interviewed by world famous trainer Craig Ballantyne - CSCS, Men's Health Magazine Training Advisor.

If you want to stand any kind of chance of getting that flat stomach and six pack abs that you want, you need to check out this interview, as we reveal some killer strategies...

Stay tuned for more Lean-Body Tips in a couple days! Til

Stay Lean,

Mike Geary
Fitness/Lifestyle Coach
Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Founder - &

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

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