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You probably know from reading this newsletter that I'm NOT a fan of fast food, in almost any form. Even the "healthy" options at most fast-food places still have additives such as MSG and other chemicals that I try to stay away from most of the time.
When I travel, instead of having to resort to fast food because I'm on the road or in airports, I usually try to remember to bring handy snacks with me such as bags of almonds or other nuts, various fruits, protein bars, veggie sticks, and hard boiled eggs with mustard packs, so I don't have to give in to fast food temptations.
But most of my friends bring me back to earth and tell me "sorry Mike, I don't have time to plan and pack things like that... I'm on the road daily and sometimes I just NEED to stop somewhere fast to eat".
Ok, I get it... realistically, most of us can't always plan ahead and we often find ourselves needing to resort to fast food, and we need to decide on the healthiest options.
For that reason, my friend and fitness expert Chad, has put together a short article showing you his favorite healthier fast food options:
You can still lose fat with these healthier fast food options
Articles you might have missed:
1. Does eating too much carbs age you faster?
2. Studies show: cream, butter, cheese HELPS your heart
3. NEVER eat this type of yogurt
4. The pros and cons of carbohydrates (exactly how to do it right)
Amazing healthy dessert recipe guide:
How to make healthy fat-burning brownies (and 49 other delicious desserts, all gluten-free, low-carb, healthy fats)
Enjoy... I LOVE Kelley's recipes!
Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
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