Thursday 21 March 2013

4 Exercises that DESTROY your knees (plus fixing knee pain)

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to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

I have 2 resources for you today that will help you protect your knees from damage and also help rehabilitate your knees if you've already had injuries or damage over the years...

Knee Health Resource #1:

This is a brand new program that 2 trusted colleagues of mine just put together that actually helps you to rehabilitate knee problems or pain that you already have... There's 3 components to doing this successfully:

Component 1:  Internal Knee Reshaping
Component 2:  External Knee Reshaping
Component 3:  Injury Specific Exercise for Knees

Go here to FIX your knee pain (read that page word for word if you have knee problems)

Knee Health Resource #2:

Here is the resource that will help you AVOID certain exercises that can actually damage your knees... world renowned Physical Therapist, Dr K, shows you with detailed video demonstrations exactly which exercises to never do if you want to protect your knees for decades to come...

I know personally, I still want to be able to ski, hike, and bike 20 years from now, so I pay close attention to Dr K's advice when it comes to protecting your joints:

4 Exercises that DESTROY your knees (avoid these!)

Here's to enjoying decades more of healthy knees so you can stay active!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

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Problem with these fruits/veggies? | burger chemicals | 20 flat-belly rules

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a subscriber
to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

A few updates for you today...

My most popular and comprehensive article for this year so far has been updated... it's pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about food and nutrition:

The top 20 food rules (for a flat belly, balanced hormones, surging metabolism, a strong healthy heart, reduced cancer risk & more)

More Health News:

Don't fall for the LIES about this common sweetener

A problem with fruits and veggies? (not many realize this)

Does your burger have these 20 harmful chemicals in it? (shocking)

How to STOP storing carbs as fat (3 simple steps)

PS -- if you liked today's articles, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Is fast food + fat loss possible? | Carbs, metabolism & aging

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to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

You probably know from reading this newsletter that I'm NOT a fan of fast food, in almost any form.  Even the "healthy" options at most fast-food places still have additives such as MSG and other chemicals that I try to stay away from most of the time.

When I travel, instead of having to resort to fast food because I'm on the road or in airports, I usually try to remember to bring handy snacks with me such as bags of almonds or other nuts, various fruits, protein bars, veggie sticks, and hard boiled eggs with mustard packs, so I don't have to give in to fast food temptations.

But most of my friends bring me back to earth and tell me "sorry Mike, I don't have time to plan and pack things like that... I'm on the road daily and sometimes I just NEED to stop somewhere fast to eat".

Ok, I get it... realistically, most of us can't always plan ahead and we often find ourselves needing to resort to fast food, and we need to decide on the healthiest options.

For that reason, my friend and fitness expert Chad, has put together a short article showing you his favorite healthier fast food options:

You can still lose fat with these healthier fast food options

Articles you might have missed:

1.  Does eating too much carbs age you faster?

2.  Studies show:  cream, butter, cheese HELPS your heart

3.  NEVER eat this type of yogurt

4.  The pros and cons of carbohydrates (exactly how to do it right)

Amazing healthy dessert recipe guide:

How to make healthy fat-burning brownies (and 49 other delicious desserts, all gluten-free, low-carb, healthy fats)

Enjoy...  I LOVE Kelley's recipes!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

PS -- if you liked today's article, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Sunday 17 March 2013

The 1 MOST harmful food that damages your body

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a subscriber
to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

At the link below my good friend and Registered Dietician Brett Hall is
going to show the #1 WORST nutrient for your health.  It destroys your
immune system, wreaks havoc on your entire body, decreases your
body's ability to process carbs, and contributes to much of the weight
gain and obesity problems world-wide.

And worst of all, it's something you probably eat EVERY single day.

Limit your intake of this nutrient immediately:

==> The #1 WORST food for your health (AVOID this)

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

*Please note that due to high volume of emails, replies to this email can not be handled individually and are routed to a help-desk.

Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

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Thursday 14 March 2013

Dairy fat found to PREVENT artery clogging?

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a subscriber
to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

For decades now, news reporters with zero nutrition education, government agencies using outdated information from the 1960's, and well-meaning but misinformed dieticians have pounded into your head that dairy fat from butter, cream, and other full-fat dairy products is terrible for you and "CLOGS" your arteries...

But what if they've been WRONG all along?  My new article for you today explains:

Dairy fat found to PREVENT artery clogging?

Improve Your Digestion:
How to HEAL your digestion problems

High Blood Pressure?
Obscure superfood that helps reverse blood pressure issues

PS -- if you liked today's new article, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

*Please note that due to high volume of emails, replies to this email can not be handled individually and are routed to a help-desk.

Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Monday 11 March 2013

170 diseases caused by something you probably eat EVERY day

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a subscriber
to Mike Geary's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from TruthAboutAbs.

In the article today, we're going dive deep into the inner walls of one of the most critically important cluster of organs in your body -- your digestive system...
Unfortunately, many people think of their gut solely as the mechanism by which your body digests food, which is at best an extreme oversimplification, and at worst an ideology massively contributing to the health problems, fat loss struggles, and auto-immune disorders of millions world-wide.
In reality, your GI tract is MUCH more than a digestion center; in fact, it is quite literally your second brain as well as being "home" to roughly 70-80% of your immune system.

You see, within your gut reside roughly 100 TRILLION living bacteria…

That's more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body – and maintaining the ideal ratio of "good bacteria" (known as probiotics) to "bad bacteria" is now gaining recognition as perhaps the single most important step you can take to protect your health and improve your fat loss goals.
In fact, there are more than 200 studies linking inadequate probiotic levels (and microbial balance in your gut) to more than 170 different diseases and health issues; here are just a few:

 • Celiac disease, leaky gut, and irritable bowel syndrome
 • Mood, psychological health, and behavioral disorders
 • Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes
 • The common cold, influenza, and pneumonia
 • Liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and cancer
 • Eczema, atopic dermatitis, and acne
 • Chronic fatigue syndrome
 • Food and wheat allergies
 • Weight gain and obesity
And many, many more.

To touch briefly on the weight gain and obesity consequences, virtually every study performed on the obese population analyzing gut bacteria found higher instances of "bad" bacteria and lower levels of probiotics (again, the "good" bacteria) within these individuals.

Perhaps you yourself are already experiencing some of the more advanced signs that your intestinal bacterial balance is beginning to spin out of control, such as:

 • Gas and bloating
 • Constipation and/or diarrhea
 • Acid reflux
 • Skin problems
 • Overall sickness
 • Headaches
 • Urinary tract infections
 • Trouble sleeping
 • An inability to lose weight
 • Sugar cravings, especially for heavily refined carbs
You see, the ideal healthy ratio of "good" to "bad" bacteria is 85% to 15% or 90% to 10% (9 to 1).

Unfortunately, due to lifestyle and environmental factors, the vast majority of the population is severely lacking when it comes to good probiotic bacteria, throwing their gut flora ratio completely out of whack.

And if that wasn't bad enough, believe it or not, the "bad" health-destroying bacteria further feeds and multiplies on something you probably eat EVERY single day (as shown on the next page).

But here's the good news:  You can correct this imbalance, and rather easily when you know exactly what to do.

You see, on the very next page my good friend and nutritionist Brett Hall is going to unveil to you 4 somewhat odd, but extremely effective strategies you can begin using today that will ultimately end your struggle with unhealthy gut bacteria once and for all and finally allow you to get your life back, realize your full potential, and experience the excitement of living a life full of vibrance and vitality once again.

Click Here   

==> Go To Next Page

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

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Irollie Marketing LLC, 1802 North Carson St, Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States

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Friday 8 March 2013

a unique "trick" to help control junk food or sweets cravings...

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to the Lean-Body Secrets Ezine from
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If you are having trouble with over-eating, keeping your portions under control, or with sugar cravings - then please read this entire email.

First, here is the simple truth. Most of us KNOW that we need to eat right if we want to stand a chance at losing body fat...

But for most of us, eating right is just not that simple. We know what to do, but we don't always do it... right?

This isn't your fault. Recent research points to fact that self control just isn't programmed into our genes. We evolved when food was scarce, so our natural instinct is to load up whenever we can.

The problem now is that food (and especially junk food) is more than abundant everywhere we look.

The final nail in the coffin is that just one act of self control (will power) causes us to lose control in other areas. So if life were all peaches and cream, will power might work. But once other stressors enters your awareness, it makes it doubly hard to stay away from those chocolate chip cookies!

However, there is hope.

A while back, I recommended a specific medical hypnosis program ( ) that has been shown to help you eliminate food cravings, without having to think about it.

Since that email I have received a lot of positive feedback about the program - it appears to be a big difference maker.

In fact, I found out that Matt Hoover (winner of NBC's, "The Biggest Loser" season two) also tried the same exact program. He lost a TON of weight while on the show, but...

It turns out, that after the show was over he was no longer able to eat like he did on the show (no personal chefs, no trainer, and no cameras to make sure he was track). so he gained a lot of the weight back and was ashamed of himself. In his own words, he simply could not avoid temptation.

Well, a couple of months ago, he tried the same CDs I recommended in January and for the first time in his life, he is eating right and exercising without the star treatment. He is doing it on his own, and says it has been easy. By the way, he has also lost over 40 pounds of fat!

It has also been working for normal people Like Cynthia Roderick, a photographer from South Deerfield, Massachusetts:

"I had an addiction to sugar and my weight problems were so severe I was thinking of bypass surgery. I tried hypnosis programs in the past. Some programs made me tense and uncomfortable, the power of others seemed to fade away.

Within the first week I was getting obvious results. Since I started the program I've lost 30 pounds and I keep dropping them. My addiction to sugar is pretty much gone and decisions to turn down foods are easy."


Terrisa Harding, from Sapulpa, Oklahoma had this to say:

"I was always a thin person until my mid-thirties, then the weight began to creep up until I had gained over 30 lbs. I tried the Enjoying Weight Loss program and since being on it I've lost (so far permanent) over 20 lbs. I find I automatically eat much more healthfully, like more fruits and vegetables, I don't feel deprived and I'm energized. I feel GREAT!"


If you�re skeptical, I understand. Many people are when they first hear about this. But I wouldn�t waste your time (or mine) with programs that don�t work.

It�s a proven technique endorsed by the American Medical Association and the British Medical Association. What�s more, it works. I�ve seen people use medical hypnosis to get focused on their diet and follow it with almost no effort at all.

And if you use my The Truth about Abs program, it�s very easy to do. Instead of fighting and resisting your diet, you�ll feel good about what you�re doing and stick with your program without even thinking about it.

I�ve read many of the studies on medical hypnosis for weight loss and the results speak for themselves. In one, researchers split people following a diet into two groups. One used medical hypnosis, the other didn�t. The group who used medical hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds. The group that didn�t lost an average of only 0.5 pounds.

That�s not surprising... Being committed to the program you�re following is THE key that makes all the difference � especially over the long term. A study from the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology shows medical hypnosis does just that: Improves your results over the long term.

Their study found adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment. More importantly, medical hypnosis increased effectiveness AFTER treatment by over 146%.

Clearly, this technique is even more effective over time. And as you know, long-term commitment to a healthy eating lifestyle is the key to lasting fat loss.

The best medical hypnosis program was designed by America�s leading expert in the field, Dr. Roberta Temes. In fact, she �wrote the book� on the subject. She�s the editor of the first hypnosis textbook used in medical schools, Medical Hypnosis. (Psychiatrists in training are learning her techniques for medical hypnosis!)

Dr. Temes is also on the faculty of the Psychiatry Department in the Medical School of the SUNY Health Science Center. She�s also involved with research on the behavioral factors involved with long-term weight loss.

Best of all, her program takes only 20 minutes per day and, simply by listening to relaxing CDs, may help you automatically follow your program and improve your body.

This may not work for everyone, but it is something you should consider if your previous attempts haven't been successful because you've resorted back to your previous bad habits.

Here are some of the experiences you may find if you go through Dr. Temes seven session CD program:

> Cravings can be reduced instantaneously,
allowing you to stop binging before you start

> New neural pathways will be created that
empower you to replace unhealthy eating habits
with healthy ones

> Experience effortless motivation without
relying on willpower

> Your desire for sodas or sweet drinks will
be eliminated and replaced with a craving for WATER!

> Pounds will melt away as you automatically eat
the right foods and right portions, while making
exercise a part of your every day routine.

Keeping an open mind allows you to grow in spirit and successfully overcome challenges that may have been haunting you your whole life.

The Hypnosis Network, the publishers of the program (and some people I have now worked with for a while), are very confident that this will work.

Because of this, they are discounting the program for my readers, adding some very useful bonuses and are going to allow you to try it for just the cost of shipping.

To find out how it can help you drop fat and keep it off,
just click the link below...

I think it is a no brainer.

To your good health and a lean body for life,

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &

P.S. Here are some good representations of what this program does for people:

"I am now down 20 pounds and still have not had any problems with stress eating (my lifetime habit is to overeat). I am also walking close to 5,000 steps per day now (a little over 2.5 miles) and into a size 16 from a 20/22 and people are finally beginning to notice. I personally thank you for your program even though I don't understand how it works. I am starting to like who I see in the mirror."

Syndi Ellison
Advertising & Finance Manager
Washington State Magazine

I have used the program for just 10 days and have lost 6 lbs. What is most amazing after all my failed attempts at fat loss is the ease of sticking with my program since using the CD's! For the first time in my adult life I feel like I am in control of my response to food, and believe I am incorporating all those healthy eating habits that have eluded me in the past. It feels wonderful to go through the day without obsessing over food, and feeling fulfilled rather than deprived. I can definitely see these as lifetime, lifestyle changes. Thank you for the wonderful tool!

Angela Roberts
Somerville, New Jersey

Check it out for yourself:

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